The Year of ME!

I know! I know! The title of this blog sounds horrifically selfish. You may have even wanted to scroll past this blog onto something more outward-focused. But I’m glad you stopped to read on. Before I explain the year of ME, I need to explain the last season of my life because yours may be much like mine… busy!

Three and a half years ago, I took on a new role as an elementary principal. It wasn’t a role I sought; I believe I was led there. Adults scared me, and I preferred to spend my time with children; however, little by little, my heart began to change toward adults. So, I applied for the job and handed the decision to God. It has been the most challenging work I’ve done to date. It’s a role of service and constant care for staff, students, parents, and the community. And, the most accurate description I can give of how it’s felt is that I’ve been drinking from a firehose with intermittent breaks to be wrestled by an octopus!

They say time waits for no man, and it’s true. Once the buses run on the first day of school, the wheels of education are set in constant motion, and decisions must be made and the work has to get done because tomorrow, they all return ready for another day. I raise praises for the incredible work my staff has done. Our processes, procedures, and planning are much more aligned today than a few years ago!

This job has challenged my thinking, pushed my intellectual and relational limits, fostered my learning, and expanded my heart of service. Mostly, it has also grown me in God-confidence because I quickly learned that without Him, I am destined to fail. It is humbling and constantly teaching me the power of the Divine!

It’s been good work, but as with all good work, there are seasons of building and sacrifice. I’ve poured into my work with joy. I love to learn. Yet, at the same time, I’ve had to let loose some of the things I hold dear. Time for my educational learning and work replaced my weekly Bible Study with my friends. I’ve gained weight and am out of shape. My diet consists of sodas, chips, and anything I can eat on the run If I eat at all. My early mornings and late nights revolve around preparing documents, answering emails, and thoughtfully weighing out future decisions. This is not a complaint or a venting; it’s just what it is!

God has been faithful to meet me in the challenges. He is evident at every turn. He’s taught me to seek his counsel not only in my quiet time but also in the chaos of the lunchroom or the intensity of an issue. He has given me clarity where there was once confusion or uncertainty. Yes, His faithfulness abounds as I reflect on this last season.

Every year I pray for a word to guide my year. This year, I’ve considered a few, such as happiness, praise, or even unstoppable. But none of those seem to fit the bill. One that has rolled around in my head and I keep shoving down is ‘me.’ This word felt too selfish and contrary to what I believed God wanted from me. I love to serve and give. Nothing delights me more than to fix a meal for my family, make sure others have what they need, or give a gift to a friend. So to think of myself seems sinful.

But, whoa! God got my attention today when I started to skip exercise to work instead. I clearly heard him say, “But your body is my temple. It needs care and attention too!” This is what God was trying to tell me about the year of ME! Let’s say I did a full-on double workout today!

We Christians can mistake self-care for selfishness, but that is not how God sees it. In taking time to care for ourselves, we prepare for increased opportunities to do the work God puts before us. Our energy and mental capacity will improve. We can attend to conversations and the tasks at hand more readily. Yes, our diet, exercise, and refreshment are essential to the longevity of the work we are called to do. It’s not selfish to take time for self-care. we need to make time to exercise, plan and prepare quality meals, rest, and refresh through the interests that God has given us. We need intentional, quiet devotional time and study of God’s word. Doing these things to draw closer to God and honor him is quite different than doing them so others notice or we receive accolades on this earth; that’s when it becomes selfish.

Part of self-care is fellowship. We are called to spend time with the community of believers, so we must intentionally invite and plan for time with friends to study God’s word, laugh, sing praises, and have fun.

As moms, wives, teachers, employees, and all the roles that women fill, it’s easy to give ourselves away. But Friends, we are God’s most precious daughters. He delights in us and wants us to be at our best mentally, physically, emotionally, and relationally. He is honored when we put value on our health and wellness.

The year of ME is about taking time for self-care and relishing the best gift God has given us… a body to serve as the holy temple of his presence. I hope you’ll join me in making 2024 a year to honor God through self-care and praise for the bodies he has given us.

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